Approved test piece: welding method qualification ISO 3834!
We have recently been approved for the welding method qualification ISO 3834. The inspection is a requirement to keep the certification, very important! The test piece you see here has been welded by one of our certified welders and has subsequently been internally inspected. The official colouring was done in an independent laboratory. De Bruyn Metaal is ‘approved’ and we keep our welding method qualification ISO 3834!
More about Nen-EN-ISO
The NEN-EN-ISO 3834 is a means to record and guarantee the quality of welding work during the process. However, it’s not a quality assurance system. Why not? It’s like this: the quality of a weld or welding work cannot be easily demonstrated. This is only possible by ‘destructively’ examining all welds made. This means: load the weld at maximum force until the weld eventually breaks/cracks. This is not practically possible. Because if we did this, all products would eventually break. Loading the weld by force means that the load-bearing capacity of the weld is tested to the utmost. Logically, the maximum level of force becomes visible the moment just before the weld breaks.
Maintenance and planning welding work
We maintain and plan welding work by:
Creating WPS. This means setting welding parameters. This includes welding height and preheating (heat input)
Drawing up work instructions. In other words, before we start welding work, we map the best possible way to weld a product.
Working out a schedule. We consider when which activities must be carried out (lasering, bending, welding, welding research)
Training and broadening the knowledge level of our welders.